The Great Speeches – Season 1


5x 12'

Arte G.E.I.E. / Temps Noir

A movie by:
Jean Bulot, Aurélie Luneau


"I have a Dream", "¡No Pasarán!", "Let Europe Arise!": these phrases, which have become universal or national slogans, are symbols of a century of history marked by famous speeches, those of great figures who, in a few words, struck a chord in our memories. From Dolores Ibarruri to Joachim Gauck, from Winston Churchill to Dominique de Villepin, these men and women were the bearers of a message that is now part of history.

No Pasaran - Dolores Ibarruri
I have a dream - Martin Luther King
Let Europe arise - Winston Churchill
No to war in Iraq - Dominique de Villepin
Silence - Joachim Gauck and François Hollande

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