Teambuilding solidarity

8 February 2020

Videos to showcase Ubisoft's solidarity teambuildings

When video rhymes with solidarity. Kino, commissioned by the Béa agency, has produced a series of films presenting Ubisoft’s days of solidarity.

Over the course of 2019, Ubisoft’s EMEA (Europe Middle East Asia) business headquarters organized four solidarity days for the Apprentis d’Auteuil foundation, with the program including the creation of small platform video games, olympiads and a woodworking workshop. This approach is at the heart of the “Play For Good” program, the common foundation of Ubisoft’s sponsorship operations in France.

These are the days we filmed. The challenge is to get to the heart of the action without being too intrusive. Film the emotions and relationships that develop between employees and apprentices, without distorting them. Finding the right distance, that’s what we tried to do for 4 days. We hope this is reflected in the 4 films we’ve made, some of which you’ll find in this summary film.