The KinoBoard, a tool for elearning

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Artificial Intelligence and motion design: Between innovation and technical challenges

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KINO turns to remote production

In 2022, KINO, the audiovisual production and post-production company, strengthened its technical resources to meet the needs of its customers.

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Livestreaming within everyone’s reach

Broadcast a live event, bring in remote guests, create interactivity. These are the new challenges that the Kino team takes up every week, adapting to the event and the budget.

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Your remote events

Kino produces and broadcasts your events remotely at the location of your choice.

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Educational videos for Axa Partners

Axa Partners helps the general public to prepare for travel formalities with motion design videos produced by Kino.

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Kino, a multi-faceted audiovisual group

1 video agency, 1 film set, post-production facilities, 1 lab for encoding, docs and reports... you'll find it all, well hidden behind a pretty flowery terrace, in the heart of the 11th arrondissement, the district of bars and restaurants popular with entertainment workers and producers.

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Kino at your service during containment

Kino has adapted to ensure the continuity of our services. We are always on hand to receive your mail, your hard drives... You can also send us your files by ftp.

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Teambuilding solidarity

When video rhymes with solidarity. Kino, commissioned by the Béa agency, has produced a series of films presenting Ubisoft's days of solidarity.

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Timbuktu, the difficult reconstruction

Timbuktu, the cradle of Islam in Africa, is struggling to recover from the occupation and destruction wrought 8 years ago by al-Qaeda jihadists.

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